PRO’s and coaches
In Next Golf Academy we have the best golf coaches in Estonia, who during their player career have won Estonian national titles. Also we have in our team with a high international experience foreign PRO, so you can be sure that we have the right compentence.
Attributes of a good coach and PRO
- Good golf PRO / coach has good players, who he/she trains.
- He/she trains tour players, club champions, top national players, best juniors etc.
- He/she also trains beginners, women, seniors with great admiration
- He/she is a good communicator, is positive and cares for his/her students
- He/she has a long-time teaching experience, he/she has given countless amount of lessons – many world’s best speak about a 10000 hour teaching experience
- He/she is often quite occupied and has a mostly fully booked calendar
- He/she listens to their students, has time for them and communicates with them even outside working hours
- He/she has a PGA certificate
- He/she has learned from the best, and has their own mentor.